Hear what other couples have to say about Precious Bond Hypnobirthing Classes
"We have such huge appreciation for you for teaching us hypnobirthing. We have both come away with a whole new relaxed approach to bringing our baby into this world. Not only have you taught us the ins and outs of what happens to my body during labour, but to learn my body is already equipped with hormones to handle it, and how much control we do have over our own mind set is amazing knowledge. We wouldn't have been taught any of this through simple midwife or GP appointments.
I had a real fear of natural labour, since early days, and was completely adamant I would opt for a C-Section just to ease my anxiety through my pregnancy. Now, as long as my health behaves, I have the midwife and Obstetrician both agreeing a home birth wouldn't be a problem. As I now completely trust and believe in myself to be able to do this, I'm full of excitement for the day I go into labour.
Forever grateful to you for sharing your knowledge, and personal experience with us. What a lovely, inspirational lady you are."
Leanne & Craig
"Thank you so much for such a great course. You have truly been amazing and Dan and I are so pleased we have taken part. It has filled me with confidence and the knowledge for a healthy birth and more.
Hypnobirthing has completely changed my perspective on pregnancy and birth. Having the knowledge and understanding of how our bodies work and how to train our mind to work with it to have a comfortable and natural birth is priceless...Would recommend this course whole heartedly"
Lara & Dan
"I probably don't need to say how positive I felt today was. Thanks so much. :)
We both really enjoyed your course and your company."
Laura & Ed
"I had my baby boy on 22nd October, drug free (not even gas and air!!) home birth and thanks to my awesome doula, the wonderful midwives from Leicester's home birth dept and of course hypnobirthing!! At one point I seemed so chilled out to them they thought my surges had slowed down!
Thank you so much for allowing me to join in even though the course had started. I can not recommend it enough to all the to-be-mamas. The course and the information that you provided empowered me to trust my body and my baby and not forgetting to mention got my hubby on board for a home birth. I remember the night I said to him "I think I want a home birth" after reading Katharine Graves' book, I know for a fact he thought I was on one of my hippie vibes again! He didn't say a word lol. However after reading the book himself and being sceptical about it beforehand, he said himself that it made absolute sense and gave him the confidence that he needed too.
Having had the traumatic experiences with my first two, 14 and 12 years ago I can honestly say that this time around it was a magical experience. We are both doing well, no baby blues this time around and I'm managing to breastfeed! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Ayesha & Yasser
"Thank you so much! We can't thank you enough for teaching us both hypnobirthing, it really did make a huge positive difference and we think our pregnancy and labour would have been very different without it. Hypnobirthing worked a treat, despite having far from the labour I hoped/imagined it was very calm, Matt was a great advocate and no one believed I was in labour!"
Ali & Matt
"Our little girl was born on Thursday night! The Hypnobirthing was amazing!! Did from 8am to 10.30pm with no pain relief. We needed a bit of help towards the end though, had to have suction. But still totally amazing :) and stayed really calm throughout. Thanks so much Lois for being a brilliant teacher."
Nicola & Shaun
"Our little girl was born on Thursday night! The Hypnobirthing was amazing!! Did from 8am to 10.30pm with no pain relief. We needed a bit of help towards the end though, had to have suction. But still totally amazing :) and stayed really calm throughout. Thanks so much Lois for being a brilliant teacher."
Nicola & Shaun
"Thank you so much for your help, it definitely helped us to be calm and confident about our decisions"
Jo & James
"Thank you so much for your help, it definitely helped us to be calm and confident about our decisions"
Jo & James
"Just to say a massive thank you for your great course! As you know I was nervous leading up to labour again but the morning I went into labour I was totally chilled and so excited and when I went into hospital everything just progressed so nicely and naturally and this time I just went with what my body did and surprise surprise it was all fine and he was born within 4 hours of being in hospital.
I think I was a bit not fully convinced how hypnobirthing could work but thought it would be worth a try! Even at home I fell asleep every time I listened to the CD and didn’t even finish the book! However on reflection I had such a lovely (?!) labour and we laughed through most of it and I spoke up when I wanted things differently etc. I mean I’m not going to say it didn’t hurt that last bit but it was such a different experience this time and hypnobirthing played such a big part so a massive thank you!"
"Thanks for the course. It really helped Carl and I prepare for birth... plus made some good friends who have been supportive in the early days by comparing notes."
Lydie & Carl
"Thank you so much for your hypnobirthing classes, I really enjoyed them and they definitely helped when I went into labour. I had a little boy, Oliver Philip, on 18th September, weighing 7lb3oz at 12.34. I started with some period pain type cramps on the Sunday / Monday, then I woke up about 11.30pm on the Monday night with contractions. The breathing that we learnt in hypnobirthing helped me so much and I managed to get 5cm at home, I had a bath which helped and then we went into hospital at about half 5am. I was assessed and got straight into the pool, at 10.15 I was assessed again and was at 7.5cm. By half 11 I felt like I needed to push and had got to 10cm dilated. Then at 12.34 my little boy arrived, happy, healthy and absolutely beautiful. I couldn't have done it without the techniques I learnt in hypnobirthing, it helped me to keep relaxed during my surges and keep breathing through them (with the help of gas and air). It was an amazing experience, albeit a bit hard by the end, but so worth it. Thank you again, I'll be sure to recommend you to all of my friends!"
Amy & Mark